
What Is Energy Poverty Actually Like? | Panel

2.7 billion people use biomass to cook in their homes, due to a lack of cleaner cooking fuels. As a result, 3 million people die every year due to exposure to indoor smoke. That is the same number of people that died due to COVID-19 in 2021 - every single year.

When it comes to energy poverty, it seems we may need to reassess our priorities.

If we are committed to recognising every individual's human dignity, we need to allow all people around the world to build the safe, clean, and abundant energy sources that we take for granted in the West. And together, across all continents, we can continue to innovate to make our energy even cleaner, smarter, cheaper, and more abundant than ever before.

Join Magatte Wade, Scott Tinker, Robert Bryce, and Chris Wright as they discuss energy poverty, its effects, and the path forward to a better story for the developing world.


Robert Bryce is an author, journalist, and filmmaker focused on energy and innovation. He has authored six books, including "A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations," exploring the impact of energy on global development.

Scott Tinker is a geologist and energy expert dedicated to addressing societal challenges in energy, the environment, and the economy. He serves as Director Emeritus of the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas at Austin and co-produced the award-winning documentaries "Switch" and "Switch On." Dr Tinker also founded the nonprofit Switch Energy Alliance.

Magatte Wade is an entrepreneur and advocate for African dignity and prosperity. She serves as the Director for The Centre for African Prosperity of Atlas Network. Throughout her career, she has created retail brands inspired by diverse African traditions, most recently SkinIsSkin.com. Her first book, The Heart of a Cheetah, was published in 2023.

Chris Wright is the founder and CEO of Liberty Energy, where he combines his passion for technology and entrepreneurial spirit to advance human liberty through energy innovation. His mission is to improve lives by integrating technology with energy solutions.


A Better Story for Energy


Energy Innovations for the Future - Panel