
Energy Innovations for the Future - Panel

“If you’re anti-carbon dioxide and anti-nuclear you are pro-blackout.”

Chris Wright is the founder and CEO of Liberty Energy. He is a self-described tech nerd turned entrepreneur on a mission to better human lives. This passion inspired a career in energy and a dedication to increasing human liberty.

Francis Barram is an authority in energy economics and energy system design, an author, and co- founder both of Opus and the Ensight Group. He is a visionary entrepreneur who has pioneered global- leading energy efficiency projects.

Kirk Sorensen is an engineer working on the development of lithium-fluoride thorium reactors (LFTR) as a source of energy and important materials. He founded Flibe Energy and has led their efforts to develop the LFTR.

Simon Irish is Chief Executive Officer of Terrestrial Energy. Drawing on 20 years of global investment banking and investment management, he now focuses on investment opportunities in breakthrough energy technologies, specifically in nuclear energy.


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