ESG Under The Microscope | Panel

Did you know that your pension fund manager could be using your money to push a political agenda?

ESG promised ethical outcomes, but instead seems to offer undemocratic back-channels for the world's wealthiest.

In this ARC Off-Stage conversation, Baroness Helena Morrissey, Terrence Keeley, and Derek Kreifels unpack the key issues and misconceptions about ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing, and begin to imagine an alternative. They remind us that we can build solutions to our problems if we invest, instead of divest - if we create, instead of complain.

READ MORE: ‘Who Benefits? The Real Impact of ESG Investing’, and ARC Research paper by Sinclair Davidson and Scott Hargreaves


Helena Morrissey

Baroness Helena Morrissey DBE is a British financier, campaigner, Member of the House of Lords, and current Chair of the Board of Directors at the Fidelis Insurance Group. She also founded the 30% Club, a campaign for more gender-balanced boards.

Terry Keeley

Terrence Keeley is the Chairman and CIO of 1PointSix LLC, author of SUSTAINABLE: Moving Beyond ESG to Impact Investing, and a former Senior Adviser at BlackRock. Prior to this, he was founder and Senior Managing Principal of Sovereign Trends LLC.

Derek Kreifels

Derek Kreifels is the co-founder and CEO of the State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF), a US nonprofit that combines free-market research with states’ treasurers, auditors, and other financial officers to actively sustain the health of each state’s economic outlook.


Was the Sexual Revolution a Mistake? | Panel


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