
Is our future one of scarcity or abundance?

"Since the dawn of industrial society, a great debate has raged over whether our resources are too scarce to cope with humanity or whether population growth and abundance is the key to releasing prosperity. Concerns about the human impact on the climate have led to resurgence of this debate and a rethinking of the way that we fundamentally relate to the natural environment."

Are we at peak humanity? Is it time to stop having children? Is it time to give up the conveniences of one life, or can humanity innovate to even greater abundance?

In this ARC Vision Film, we show that the forecasts of doom were wrong. Human ingenuity has sustained and created ever greater growth and abundance throughout the 20th century. Time and again, we have found solutions. Inventions that previous generations could not have imagined have led to centuries of progress. Year by year, we are finding solutions to our most intractable problems, from agriculture to technology to energy. There is a better story, and it is not one of scarcity, but one of abundance.


ARC's Vision in 2 Minutes | Baroness Philippa Stroud


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